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Top Steroid Sites Review

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Steroid Encyclopaedia

The Good

The website is well put together, and looks professional. They have a excellent support team, ready to answer any questions you may have. They offer free private, encrypted email accounts called Squatmail. This allows members to talk privately with sources and each other However, once your membership is up, you do not have access to the email. Steroid Encyclopedia has a unique feature that is quite informative. They list popular steroids, and below each steroid they have the different companies that make the steroids, and allow users to rate each company, and give feedback. At this time they only have 5 anabolic steroids listed, but they are 5 of the most popular steroids.

The Bad

The members section seems to be lacking something, but I can't quite put my finger on it. It may just be the small menu they have, which expands to reveal all the information, but I just don't know. Other than that, I don't see any downfalls for Steroid-encyclopaedia.

Steroid Suppliers List

They don't have a lot of suppliers, but the suppliers are high quality, and the list is well put together. They give a lengthy description on each supplier, and members have the chance to vote/view ratings, and leave comments. The majority of sources are overseas, but they do have a couple domestic sources as well.

Message Board

The message board has a nice layout and set up. It's the message board style you will see on most internet message boards. They have several different forums, covering all areas of bodybuilding. They have several moderators and veterans available around the clock who are very knowledgeable. However, there are some posts from new members which have gone unanswered.

Steroid Profiles

The steroid profiles are detailed and cover most anabolic steroids. Most of the profiles give average dosages, and side effects. One nice feature they include, is the ability for users to rate and leave comments on each steroid. However, not too many members have left comments thus far.

Steroid Pictures

They have approximately 50 full colour pictures, and I think they could have more available for the members. The pictures are not listed in any categories either, you simply have to browse through them all, nor do they have pictures of the newer steroids and companies on the market

Informational Articles

The articles presented on Steroid Encyclopaedia are their best feature. They have quite numerous articles on anabolic steroids and bodybuilding. The articles are professionally written, and are very informative. However, they do lack articles in the nutrition categories.

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